Enable/Disable Wireless network

IT/시스템프로그래밍 2015. 7. 8. 18:02 Posted by Imtraveller

  • 노트북을 무선 AP로 사용하는 기능 차단 가능
  • 노트북의 네트워크 설정의 로컬/무선/블루투스등 네트워크별 차단 가능
  • 노트북을 무선 AP로 사용하는 기능 차단 방법
Windows Vista won’t automatically create ad hoc wireless connections with other computers, but for greater security you may want to disable ad-hoc wireless connections entirely. You can do this by running the following Netsh command at an elevated command prompt:

Disable ad hoc wireless connections :
netsh wlan add filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

To re-enable ad hoc wireless connections, run this command:

netsh wlan del filter permission=denyall networktype=adhoc

  • 노트북의 네트워크 설정의 로컬/무선/블루투스등 네트워크별 차단 방법
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=disabled

Subsitute the actual network connection name if it isn't Local Area Connection

wmic path win32_networkadapter where NetConnectionID="Wireless Network Connection" call disable
wmic path win32_networkadapter where NetConnectionID="Wireless Network Connection" call enable

WLAN(무선 LAN)에 대한 Netsh 명령
적용 대상: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista
